

Energy and Emissions Management

Emissions contribute to environmental issues like extreme weather, habitat loss and rising sea levels.  

We have set a clear carbon-reduction target to achieve a 30% reduction in emissions by 2030 (Scope 1 & 2 only).

We recognise that responsible energy choices generate value and by using renewable energy sources we can reduce our environmental impact.

Learn more about our initiatives in our FY2023 Annual Report

Our Approach

  • Implemented a tracking and reporting process

  • Developed a carbon calculator to track electricity and fuel consumption

  • Installing solar photovoltaic (PV) panels across our facilities

  • Exploring innovative ways to incorporate solar PV panels. I.E solar shades

Creating Value

Adopt cleaner, energy-efficient solutions by deploying technologies and solutions that reduce our energy consumption and emissions. I.E replacing outdated equipment and machinery with more energy-efficient models.  

Transitioning to renewable energy sources where applicable. e.g. Performance Motors Limited (PML) in Singapore transitioned to a new electricity provider, offering 100% certified renewable energy in FY2023.  

Alignment to TCFD and our ESG training initiatives support our ability to identify opportunities to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy dependency.